FOREST'CIME - 28/29/30 JUNE 2024
100 % NATURE
In the heart of the Jura and Ain Mountains
450 KM - 9000 M D+
Limited to 160 riders

Sunday, June 30th - Bellecin – Arbent

Welcome to the Upper-Jura Natural Park

Stage 3 Intro

For the 3rd and final stage of the 2024 Forest’Cime, the peloton will follow the banks of Lac de Vouglans to the village of Meussia, the start of the stage’s timed section. The 7.8km climb has a maximum gradient of 7%. Riders will then take in the Upper Nanchez comb before the first feed station on the shores of the mountain lake at Abbaye en Grandvaux. From there, riders will move on to Saint-Claude via a small forest road taking in the village de Cuttura. From the capital of the Upper Jura, riders will then climb the 15km-long Chaumons ascent to the village of Lamoura, the final feed station of the day, before the run to the finish in Arbent. Crossing the Upper Jura valleys via the villages of Lajoux, Les Moussières and Les Bouchoux, riders will then quit the Jura for the Ain at the summit of the Col de la Serra, before returning to the event start point 3-days earlier, the “Espace Loisirs” Leisue Centre in Arbent.

For those who don’t feel up to covering all 145 kms of the third and final stage, there’s a short cut via the Col de la Serra from Saint-Claude for in total 111 km instead of the scheduled 145 km.

Stage information

  • Start at Bellecin Orgelet at 08.00

  • Finish in Arbent as from 13.00

  • Stage distance 145 km
    2,454 metres of climbing / 2,362 metres of descending

  • 2 full feed stations
    – KM49 Abbaye en Grand Vaux lake
    – KM99 village of Lamoura

Stage shortcut, distance 111 km & 1,870 metres of climbing,
1 full feed station (49km)


    • Men’s and Women’s showers

    • Pasta party

    • Challenge Performer podium at 15.00


Shortcut step

Challenge Performer timed section (Stage 3)

"Grimpée Serge Vernier"

The Meussia cycling timed section is also known as the “Grimpée Serge Vernier” in memory of a fine regional rider from the Saint-Claude Cycling Club, who sadly lost his life in a Road Traffic Accident in 2011, at the young age of 48. The record for the climb is held by local TT specialist and the 2018 World Amateur Champion, Fabien Secondo, who covered the 9.8km climb between Meussia and Les Ronchaux in 16’07”. Are you up for Secondo’s record? Or will you be second to Secondo?

Main characteristics

Ascent “Serge Vernier”

  • Start Km20
  • Distance 9.8 km
  • Vertical climbing 240 m+
Télécharger le parcours (MAJ 22/06/2021)

Main characteristics

  • Coast of Cinquétral
  • Start : Km 60
  • Distance : 8,340 km
  • Difference in altitude : 380 m

Timed sector : Climb to la Cernaise

  • Departure at Kilometre Point 80
  • Distance : 9.5 km
  • D+ : 650 m

On the day the numbered bibs are removed, you will receive a superb top-of-the-range Rosti jersey, official supplier of the Pro AG2R team.

You will have to wear this collector jersey during the second stage of the Forest’cime.

You can order additional jersey or short, to be removed also with the numbered bib.


Jersey : 55 € incl.

Short : 65 € incl.

Jersey + short :

110 € incl.


Découvrez les parcours permanents
VTT FFC Ain Forestière

Voir les parcours